
Archive for April 15th, 2005

hohoho…..after register diz little thing…it was 11:31p.m oledi…although feeling very sleepy…i juz wanna 2 type something 4 diz 1st blog…hehehe…2 type wat ler…???ooo…i noe diz little thing juz from my frend tht we knew each other in bpelajar…although i never saw her face…now aso…but i though she’s a pretty n tall gal…hehehe…she alwayz put her nickname as "kawaiii"…bcoz tht her name is alike wif the nickname…n after gt a look in her details…i juz found tht she like JAY very much…in my opinion…juz okok…ntg special…hahehahe…dun angry when u–kawaiii c diz ar…dun take the eggs n throw it 2 me…kakakaka…HO…feeling more sleppy now…ok…tht’s enough…bb